We offer a comprehensive range of accounting and administrative services for SMEs and independents, provide tried and tested management services and act as trusted partners in the commodity trading arena.

We are affordable, experienced and ready to respond to all your requirements.

In accounting, there are substantial gains to be made through attention to small details. We analyse your financial situation so you can optimize, economize and take better-informed decisions.

Getting expert advice always generates added value.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for an evaluation of your needs and expectations.




Simplification and clear structuring of trading operations – on the level of modelling as well as accounting procedures – is our strength.

We will facilitate your relations with banks and trading houses to help you streamline and develop your operations.

The companies we manage, whether local or international in reach, are run in perfect harmony with our clients’ needs and activities.

Our expertise is founded on high-level collaboration with leading players in the service sector, a network we are committed to placing at your disposal.

Our analysis can focus on the organizational side of your trading operation, supervisory and management aspects, or selection of the high-performance IT tools best suited to your needs.

We monitor the trading sector in Geneva, but we are also active participants on our own account. That means we are ideally placed to offer you smart solutions and the right strategic choices.

Never paying more than you have to makes perfect sense. Based on in-depth analysis of your balance sheet and profit-and-loss account, we will point you towards the fiscal balance that best corresponds to your situation.

We will monitor your tax position and optimization potential on a regular or occasional basis and deal with tax returns and claims.

If you head an SME, we can also take the strain of salary management, purchasing and payments. Powerful software tracks every detail of your financial and accounting system in a simple and exhaustive process.

We are totally flexible as regards the frequency of our involvement and always propose a customized solution, irrespective of whether your requirements are daily, monthly or annual.

We look forward to getting to grips with your needs and setting you free to dedicate yourself completely to what you do best: leading your company.

A business is like a living organism. From the day it is born, it must adapt and grow in an ever-changing environment.

A key consideration when forming a company is to find the legal framework that is ideally suited to the objectives and situation of the founders. Our advice will help you choose the options that create a sound basis for future success.

Businesses have to grow and renew themselves. We will guide you towards choices based on rigorous criteria and clear thinking.

Let us take care of all the administrative matters so you can concentrate on essentials: your role as an entrepreneur or financier.

Registration for VAT, pension and social insurance funds and notarization of foundation documents are best dealt with rapidly and professionally. That will free up precious time, allowing you to focus all your energy on your core business.


Pierre Lagger

Pierre Lagger

+41 22 708 01 11

Lorenzo Fiorgentili

Lorenzo Fiorgentili

+41 22 708 01 14

Laurita Rizzo

Laurita Rizzo

+41 22 708 01 17

Kevin Dunand

Kevin Dunand

+41 22 708 01 12

Isabelle Thomas

Isabelle Thomas

+41 22 708 01 16



+41 22 708 01 15





Chemin du
Faubourg-de-Cruseilles 11
CH 1227 Carouge GE
T. +41 22 708 01 10
F. +41 22 823 22 26